Monday, November 15, 2010

harvest moon- neil young, and other things...

Today, I picked Ez up from school, drove to the doctor, paid for parking (with his money I only had pennies in my wallet). All this only to find out that the appt. I made last week (which took a half hour with a brand new receptionist) is for next Monday. He can't go to school on Friday if I can't get him an appt. soon, because he needs an mmr. The last vaccine he got swelled his arm up to the size of a tree trunk. So this is not something I even want to do.  I have a ton of work to do, a four hour licensing exam on Saturday. I am always tired.

Sometimes I wonder why life can't be easier and then I remember that it is. My sister is here. If I was going through all this stuff right now without her, life would be harder.

So I take a deep breath. And play ukelele. And eat some chocolate. And scratch my chin. And write papers. And teach preschool. And go to therapy. And read research. And do assessments. And read really important books that most people should read but probably don't like All God's Children- The Boskett Family and the American Tradition of Violence by Fox Butterfield. And go to zumba. And do all the things that moms do, because I am a mom.

A little ditty, with a couple very important interruptions but no cursing.

My next step is to learn how to add harmonies to my little videos. 


Laura L. said...

Mike says you are getting pretty good. You guys should jam!

Elita said...

Mike is so sweet. I think after a few glasses of wine I might try to play a song in his vicinity. But I am not sure.

Denise said...

Kelly, what a beautiful way for me to start the day - with your playing and your singing…. I so enjoyed it and you are very beautiful - your little smile at the end left me smiling. Thank you for sharing your learning and your talent. I got a kick out of how determined-sounding your playing became after one of the boys grabbed your attention - good for you mom!!

Elita said...

Thanks Aunt Denise! It is so much fun for me. This is a great way for me to document my progress. And you better keep painting! I want to see some new ones soon...


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