Monday, December 15, 2008

busy time...

Marshmallows and brittle for Ezzie's teachers.

Henry blows me away. He comes home from vision therapy, (where he goes immediately after school) and he starts drawing or cutting snowflakes or making laptops. For his latest Mac. creation he included a c.d component. He also made a hip hop c.d and a "rokn roel" (rock n roll ) c.d. That's my boy. 

And that is my marshmallow. Ack. Don't get me wrong, it is yummy but I have been making enough candy to lose a limb.

The best part of making brittle is stabbing the loaf of sugar and nutmeats with a knife. Awesome therapy for any tension you may have. Maybe I need another few loaves? 

Please excuse the ugly pictures in this post. It is nearly dark at 3:30. 


Unknown said...

wow! those gifts look delicious. I would be thrilled to get those from my students. Unfortunately in middle school it really isn't cool to bring in gifts for your teacher, so I get the shaft when it comes to gifts from kids...oh well! (sometimes they sheepishly throw it on my desk and run, it is actually really hilarious, you know their mom sent them with strict instructions to make sure I get the gift!)

Elita said...

That is so funny. I will try to remember that in a few years when H. is in school. Thanks for your card, lovely photo. I am still trying to get mine out. I will, they just might be Happy '09 cards instead!


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